How to Navigate the Wheel of the Year

How to Navigate the Wheel of the Year

This is a really good time of year for introspection and really sitting with yourself. Take some time to get in touch with your inner self and the natural world around you as the Wheel of the Year turns again. This is the time for reflection and being in tune with where you are, right now.

Honoring Your Ancestors at Samhain

Honoring Your Ancestors at Samhain

Samhain (pronounced sow-in or sow-een) is a special holiday not only for the celebrations, but also because this is the time of year when the veil between our world and the Spirit world is thinnest. This makes Samhain the perfect time of year for contacting and honoring our ancestors and loved ones who have passed on.

Mabon Meditation to Establish Community

Mabon Meditation to Establish Community

This meditation is going to help you gain a mindset to establish a feeling of community in your life. This meditation will help you raise your energy using the energy of Mabon to find your spirit community, wherever they may be in your life.

Mabon: Building Community

Mabon: Building Community

Today we’re going to talk about the Wiccan holiday, Mabon, and the theme of building community. Mabon is also referred to as the Autumn Equinox. This is a day that celebrates the harvest and the community that comes together to make sure the harvest is successful.

Lughnasadh Meditation for Letting Go

Lughnasadh Meditation for Letting Go

This meditation is going to harness the power of Lughnasadh to aid us in better learning how to let go. Letting go is a skill that we all must hone so that we can move forward in our lives in order to not remain stagnant.