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Hello my magickal friends and Happy Halloween season!


Our meditation today is going to help you meet one of your ancestors to help you get your questions answered. It can be questions about anything, big or small. You will experience your ancestor as a presence connected to you through your lineage. 


Establishing the breath


Close your eyes and concentrate on your breath. As you breathe in and then out again, you feel yourself going deep inside yourself. With every breath, you go deeper and deeper. Breathe in, going down, and then out, going further. 


Continue this breathing until you are sitting deep within your mind. Here there is peace and quiet. You sit here listening to your body as you breathe in and then out again. There is a comfort in the gentle rhythm of your breath. 


Centering yourself


As you breathe, you become lulled into a state of deep awareness. You feel yourself floating, noticing that your surroundings are shifting and moving around you. You feel yourself start to move through time and space at a gentle, steady pace. 


As you move along, you focus on the sensations of your mind. You feel a curiosity for where you will land. There is no fear or worry. You know that you can get back home whenever you wish. You start to slow down and then the motion stops. 


Journey through the forest


When you look around, you find yourself in an old forest. The sun is setting in the distance, and the sounds of night start to come alive. There is no fear here; just peace with the natural world around you. 


You start walking down a lane. The air around you is crisp, and dusk is falling. The trees have few leaves left on their branches, and the leaves that are left and beautiful reds, oranges, and golds. 


You walk for a few minutes, enjoying your surroundings, and then, in the distance, you see a light. You start walking towards it, knowing that there is something wonderful waiting for you there. 


As you get closer to the light, you then start to see the outline of a small cottage. There is smoke drifting from its chimney, giving hope for a warm fire inside. It is almost dark now, so you quicken your pace until you come to a small gate leading to the cottage. As you open the gate, you notice dozens of fall flowers, pumpkins, and other fall decor. 


The cottage


You then walk up to the front door and see that it is unlocked, so you walk inside. Once you are inside, a comfortable warmth embraces you like a hug, chasing away the chill from outside. You notice a hot beverage of your choice has been left for you to enjoy. You take the beverage and go to sit by the fireplace. 


Then you sit yourself in a comfortable chair in front of a cozy fire that’s been lit in the fireplace. As you sit, you feel overcome with a sense of peace and calm. This is your home away from home. There is only room for love and joy here. 


Meeting your Ancestor


As you settle yourself further into the chair, you see a shimmering start in the doorway. It looks like the rippling of water on a calm lake. You feel anticipation as you wait to see who will come through the doorway. 


Then you see a figure step through the doorway. You recognize them as one of your ancestors, whether known to you on the physical plane or someone from your lineage. You stand as they walk towards you and then they embrace you in greeting. 


Then you both settle yourselves before the fire. At first, you sit in comfortable silence, soaking in the warmth of the fire. You look at your ancestor and notice similarities within yourself and them. Maybe you have the same nose, or a similar way that you are seated. 


A conversation with your Ancestor


Then your ancestor turns towards you and smiles, gesturing for you to ask the questions that are on your mind. You think of all the things you’d like to ask. Are your questions about your future? Are they general wonderings or do you have specific questions you’re wondering about? 


You ask your questions, one by one, and then your ancestor starts to respond. You listen, entranced by their wisdom and guidance. They speak to you in a voice that is comforting and pleasant. You feel as if you could talk to them forever. 


You continue in this manner until you have answers to all of your questions. Then you take this guidance into your heart, where you can access it at a later time. Your ancestor then smiles at you once more and gives you one last piece of wisdom to take with you. 


Expressing gratitude


You thank them deeply for the time they have spent with you and for their willingness to answer your questions. They stand and gesture for you to do the same. Then they wrap you in a big, comforting embrace and bid you farewell. They assure you that you may return to this place to communicate with them anytime you would like to. 


You bid them farewell as they step through the shimmering door. Then you sit for a few more moments, soaking up the joy and peace you have experienced here with your ancestor. Once you are ready, you get up and walk through that doorway, too. 


Return to your body


You feel yourself moving back through time and space, back to your waiting body. As you come back to your body, you hear the steady rhythm of your breath. You are still deep within yourself, but are slowly coming back up. 


With every breath, you feel yourself ascending. Breathing in, moving up, and then breathing out, continuing up. As you breathe, you feel your body as you sit. You feel your limbs, your head, your back against the chair. You wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you are ready, you then open your eyes. 




Take a few moments to reflect on your experience today. Think of the answers your ancestor gave to you. What words of wisdom did they have for you? What information were you able to get from this interaction? How did sitting with them make you feel? 


Once you have had some reflecting time, write down any answers you wish to remember that were given to you by your ancestor. Remember that you can come back to this meditation whenever you wish to communicate with your ancestors again. 


Until next time, my friend, be well and choose joy! Blessed be. 

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Kacey O’Donnell has been traveling her Wiccan path for over 20 years. She is an eclectic solitary practitioner and a Priestess of the Craft. She has been teaching basic Wicca for a number of years and holding regular Sabbat celebrations since 2011. She also infuses her practices with holistic healing and energy work, including Reiki, Access Consciousness, and Mental Energy Integration (MEI). Kacey believes that holistic healing and Wicca go hand in hand as they both teach how to move energy for the greater good.

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