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Hello my magickal friend and happy Fall!


This is the best time of year! I’m fairly certain that every witch’s favorite season is Fall, mainly because of Halloween, which is also known as Smahain in the pagan communities. This is such a magickal time for everyone. The leaves are changing color, there’s a crispness to the air, and there is so much magick in the air it’s practically sparkling!


Samhain (pronounced sow-in or sow-een) is a special holiday not only for the celebrations, but also because this is the time of year when the veil between our world and the Spirit world is thinnest. This makes Samhain the perfect time of year for contacting and honoring our ancestors and loved ones who have passed on. 


So what exactly is Samhain?


Samhain is the holiday of the pagan new year. As I stated before, it is the time of year when the veil between our world and the Spirit world is thinnest. This allows for better communication and contact with spirits on the other side. 


Samhain is also the last harvest holiday of the season. Anything that is not harvested by Samhain was left for the spirits. It is said that if a human harvests any crops after Samhain, it would be cursed. If you think about it, it makes sense that food left for the spirits would be cursed if a human tried to take it from them. 


This is a great holiday to pay homage to your ancestors and spirit guides in the Spirit world. If they hadn’t survived to carry your lineage, then you wouldn’t be here, so it’s important to show them honor and respect. They are always around you, so you should try to contact them during this special time of year. 


How do I contact the Spirit world?


During Samhain, it is much easier to contact the Spirit world, due to the thinning veil. Even the newest practitioner has a better chance of communicating with a spirit from the other side at this time of year. Because the veil has thinned, the spirits on the other side have an easier time communicating with us. 


You can contact your ancestors and spirit guides in a few different ways. Meditation is a great way to get in touch with your spirit guides and ancestors. Tarot or oracle cards are another good tool. You can also go to see a medium, who is someone who communicates directly with spirits on the other side. There are many different divination tools and techniques that you can use to contact the Spirit world. 


But why is it important to talk to the Spirit world?


You can learn a lot from your ancestors and spirit guides, if you are willing to listen to what guidance they give you. We all came from a long lineage of survivors and strong spiritual ties. They stay with us even on the other side. We owe it to them to heed what they have to tell us. 


Oftentimes, they can be very helpful if we need advice or guidance on a situation we’re dealing with. Personally, I like to start each day asking my guides and ancestors what is the most important thing for me to know for the day. Once I have asked my question, I’ll either pull a card from a tarot or oracle deck, then sit and meditate on the answer I have received. 


This is a great way to communicate with your ancestors and guides on a daily basis, but if you’re dealing with a bigger issue that a one-card answer just won’t suffice, doing a deeper meditation or seeking aid for a more in-depth conversation would be the way to go. Samhain is the perfect time of year to ask for guidance on a larger scale. 


Why should we honor our ancestors?


Honoring our ancestors is a very important tradition because without our ancestors, we wouldn’t be here.  It’s like paying respect to your elders. They have the knowledge and experience that life and death have given them. 


Paying homage to those that have come before us, who survived and paved the way for us to be able to live the way we live now is very important. They are always connected to us, so honoring them is a way to show gratitude for the life they have given you. 


So how do I honor my ancestors and spirit guides?


There are many different ways to honor your ancestors and spirit guides. If you show them gratitude and honor, then they are much more likely to help and guide you. How to honor them is completely personal. Something from the heart is the best way to show your respect and gratitude. 


On Samhain, food and treats are customarily left for spirits and ancestors as an offering to honor them and ask for their blessings in the coming year. Fun fact, this is where the idea of trick-or-treating came from. Treats would be left out for the spirits to partake and as a request for the spirits to bless and protect the home. 


What can you leave as an offering to your departed loved ones? 


The best kind of offerings to leave for you ancestors and loved ones on Samhain are those that are close to your heart. Leaving something personal or special shows the spirits that they still matter and are still a part of your life, even though they can’t physically be with you anymore. Listed below are some options for things that you could give as an offering. 


  • Something sweet – sweet treats are very common as gifts to the Spirit world
  • A homemade dish of food – this is great, especially if it’s a family recipe
  • A trinket or object that is meaningful to you – when you gift something that is important to you, it means so much more to who is receiving the gift
  • A homemade gift – something that you’ve put your time and energy into shows how much you care 
  • A family heirloom – something that has carried the energy of your family’s legacy can be a great gift for your ancestors
  • Family photos – old family photos that have been passed down through the generations are a great way to show your ancestors honor
  • Ask them – if you’re at a loss for what to offer, ask them what they would like!


Whatever it is, as long as it’s meaningful, your ancestors and guides will appreciate the gesture. 


So as I have listed, there are many ways to show honor and respect to your ancestors and guides. Make sure you take some time to communicate and honor your ancestors and spirit guides. Below I have included a simple spell to help you contact your ancestors. Take some time to communicate and connect with your lost loved ones. 

A Spell to Contact a Lost Loved One


Materials needed:

  • Dried rosemary or rosemary incense
  • Charcoal tablet (if using herb instead of incense)
  • Rose quartz
  • A candle (any color that reminds you of your loved one)


Light the incense, or the charcoal tab and place the herb on the lit charcoal. Take a minute to center yourself with a couple of deep breaths. Hold the rose quartz to your heart. Now turn your attention to the loved one you are looking to contact. 


Once you have them clearly in your mind, light the candle and say the following: 


My dear one, I call you near

Come, rest, and settle here

Come to me now, there is no fear

I close my eyes and you appear

Though we may be worlds apart

I hold you close here in my heart

You guide me through the lonely dark

From this place your guidance starts

Your love and support helps me see

I’m grateful that you’re a part of me

By the power of three times three

As I will it, so mote it be


Close your eyes, and see them clearly in your mind. Now, feel free to ask them anything you’d like. If you have questions you want answered, this is the perfect time to ask for guidance. Talk to them as long as you would like to. Then, when you’ve received all of the answers you need, express your gratitude before you come back to yourself. 


Until next time, my friend, be well and choose joy. Blessed be!

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Kacey O’Donnell has been traveling her Wiccan path for over 20 years. She is an eclectic solitary practitioner and a Priestess of the Craft. She has been teaching basic Wicca for a number of years and holding regular Sabbat celebrations since 2011. She also infuses her practices with holistic healing and energy work, including Reiki, Access Consciousness, and Mental Energy Integration (MEI). Kacey believes that holistic healing and Wicca go hand in hand as they both teach how to move energy for the greater good.

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