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Hello my magickal friend and welcome to Witchy Wednesday! Today is all about the moon. 


There’s a lot of talk in the witchy world around the moon. It’s mysterious and magickal and incredibly powerful, if you know how to use it’s energy. It’s a very important tool in any witch’s toolbox, and can be very beneficial when trying to work powerful magick. 


What’s the deal with the moon?


The moon is a natural power source for anyone practicing magick. It’s different phases, from new to waxing, full to waning, mirror the cycles in our own lives. This can help us tap into it’s power if we can learn about the different correspondences with the phases. 


A lot of people who are drawn into the witchy world are fascinated by the moon. I know I was. I felt a connection to the night, with the moon at its center. It felt comforting to know that it was always there to light the darkness. 


Most witches have some affinity for the moon. For one thing, it’s an easy and free tool to use. For another, the moon cycles fairly quickly, so you don’t have to wait very long for your spells to come to fruition. The moon is made for and of magick so it’s no wonder so many witches love working with her. 


Why is the full moon important?


The full moon is so important when practicing magick. Why? Because it influences so many things. It rules the oceans and the tides, it holds power over our moods, and it affects our magickal workings. 


The different phases of the moon have a direct correlation to what type of magick should be practiced during each phase. For example, at the new moon, magick should be done for new beginnings and the start of ventures. During the waning moon, magick should be about releasing and letting go. 


The full moon is for magick that needs a lot of power. This phase is at the zenith of the moon’s power and will add oomph to any spell or ritual you are working. 


The full moon is also a key time to work magick that was started at the new moon. Because the full moon comes around every month (or on a rare occasion, twice a month), it is a great way to manifest things quickly. What is started at the new moon is usually completed by the full moon.


The moon and our bodies


The moon has a direct effect over our bodies, and how could it not? Our bodies are made up of 60% water and the moon rules water. Ergo, the moon has a great influence over the tides of our bodies. 


Like the tides of the ocean, our bodies also have ebbs and flows. This is why there is more lunetic energy during the full moon, because the full moon brings out a lot of energy which has a direct effect on our brains (approximately 75% water) and our bodies. This is actually where the word lunatic came from because of how crazy people can become during a full moon. 


The moon is especially influential for women because it mirrors our menstrual cycles. Our cycles usually sync up with the moon phases with both typically being 28 days (on average). It’s not an exact science, but it’s the moon’s influence is evident. 


All of this is to say that the moon has a lot of influence over the human body, which can only benefit those who practice moon magick. You can use your body to channel the powerful energy of the moon. 


The moon and magick


Just as the moon has a powerful influence over our bodies, it also has a significant influence over magick work. Practicing the right kind of magick during a specific phase of the moon can lend significant power to whatever magick you are trying to work. 


The way the moon corresponds with magick is pretty simple, when you think about it. As I said before, the new moon is the best time in the moon’s cycle to start new things. For example, if you wanted to get a new job or start a new career, the new moon is the best time for that type of energy. 


The moon can also be broken down into two phases, the waxing and waning phases. The waxing phase is for magick of increase. For example, if you want to grow your bank account, doing that kind of magick during the waxing phase will help you. And the waning phase is for releasing energy. A good example of this would be if you’re trying to get rid of a bad habit. 


Understanding the moon’s cycles and her phases are important when you’re working magick because the moon lends itself to help with the magick you are trying to do. Working with the moon will help you with your magick, especially when you’re just starting out. 


The power of the full moon


Undoubtedly, the most powerful phase of the moon is the full moon. As I mentioned before, the moon is at her zenith of power during this phase. If you want to create something big or work some powerful magick, do it during a full moon. 


Anything you want to come to fruition quickly, do it during a full moon. The full moon phase lasts for three days, so any magick done with in that timeframe will be sure to have that moon power behind it. 


Using the power of the full moon


It’s one thing to know about the power of the moon and it’s another thing entirely to be able to use that power. When tapping into the power of the full moon, you should be prepared for the incredible energy you will feel. 


This energy will help you to manifest truly incredible things. By channeling the power of the full moon, great things can happen. Adding that energy to any spell or magick you do will ensure that it comes to fruition. 


The feeling of drawing in the full moon’s energy can be very intense the first few times you try it, but the moon has her ways of empowering you with her energy. Below is an easy spell for drawing in the power of the full moon. Let me know how you feel after you’ve experienced her power. 


Spell for Drawing in the Full Moon Energy


Materials needed:

  • Glass or porcelain bowl, medium sized
  • Water


Perform this ritual on the night of a full moon. Fill the bowl with water and set it somewhere the moonlight can reflect upon it. Sit with the bowl in front of you and gaze into the moon’s reflection on the water. See the moon’s rays filling the bowl of water until there is a white glow shining out of the bowl. Take a drink from the moon water and say:


O Goddess of the Moon and Night

Bless me with your deep insight

I draw your light into my heart

Where it will stay until the start

Of magickal power that I need

Your wisdom and guidance I will heed

And by the power of three times three

As I will it, so mote it be




Set the bowl down and feel the light of the moon fill you until you are full of that glowing white light. Thank the Goddess and the moon for the added power you have received this night. Use this extra power for spellwork or to energize you over the coming days. Store the moon water away for future magickal needs. 


Repeat this ritual during any full moon to give you extra power for magickal work. Until next time, my magickal friend, be well and choose joy. Blessed be!


Join me at Women of Wisdom in North Easton, MA, for a full moon ritual next Wednesday, September 2, starting at 7:00 pm. Call 508-230-3680 or email to sign up. See you there!



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Kacey O’Donnell has been traveling her Wiccan path for over 20 years. She is an eclectic solitary practitioner and a Priestess of the Craft. She has been teaching basic Wicca for a number of years and holding regular Sabbat celebrations since 2011. She also infuses her practices with holistic healing and energy work, including Reiki, Access Consciousness, and Mental Energy Integration (MEI). Kacey believes that holistic healing and Wicca go hand in hand as they both teach how to move energy for the greater good.

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