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Hello my magickal friend! Happy Witchy Wednesday! 


In today’s meditation, we’ll be focusing on self-care. The importance of self-care cannot be expressed enough. Self-care is the best way to take care of your mind and body and to protect your well-being and happiness. 


Establishing the breath


Close your eyes and get comfortable where you sit. Feel the air around you. Breathe that air in through your nose, then out through your mouth. Slow your breathing down to a count of 4. In, 2, 3, 4, then out, 2, 3, 4. In, 2, 3, 4, then out, 2, 3, 4. 


Continue this breathing for a few more moments to establish the rhythm. Feel the energy flowing as the air comes into your lungs, and then out again. The breath comes in to fill your lungs and then pushes out again from your diaphragm. Now turn your attention to your body. 


Body scan


Feel the earth beneath your feet pulsing with the heartbeat of Mother Nature. The pulse travels up your feet into your calves, then up to your thighs. It continues up through your hips and then into your abdomen. 


Feel the pulse move up into your chest, filling your lungs. It fills your arms from your fingers all the way up to your shoulders. Then you feel it match the beat of your heart. 


The pulse moves up into your throat and then into your jaw and your mouth. It continues up into your cheeks, then into your ears, and then behind your eyes. Finally, you feel the pulse fill your head up through your crown. Your whole body is now in tune with the heartbeat of Mother Nature. 


A walk on the beach


With each pulse from Mother Nature you feel yourself transported through space and time until you find yourself on a beach. You feel the warm sand beneath your feet and smell the fresh, salt air. The pulse of Mother Nature syncs with the rhythm of the waves crashing on the shore. 


The sun shines down on you, warm and comfortable. It is not too hot, though not too cold either. You look around you and then notice the sights of the beach. There are seashells all around of every different color and shape. The sand is a warm tan color and soft to the touch. 


You breathe deeply as you walk towards the water. There is a gentle rolling of the waves with the turning of the tide. You walk into the shallow part of the water and the waves lap at your ankles. The water is cool and refreshing, but not cold. 


The ocean is a deep blue, reflecting the sky. There is a glint of the sun on the waves. You let the rhythm of the waves rock you until you are lulled into a state of deep awareness. 


Connecting to your inner self


You become very aware of how your body is reacting to the push and pull of the waves at your feet. The waves pull your concentration down into the deepest parts of yourself. At the center of your consciousness you find yourself being rocked by the waves like a baby in its mother’s womb. 


Then in this deep, dark part of yourself, connect to your heart. Feel the beat of your heart join in the rhythm of the waves, making you feel safe and connected to Mother Nature and your inner self. You become one with this inner consciousness, the part of you that knows what your truest desires are. 


Tuning in to what you really need


Then you ask your inner self what it is that you need right now. What would most benefit your soul at this time in your life? What is necessary for you to move forward in your life right now? Is there something that will help you to better care for yourself? 


Sit and listen to the answers from your inner self. What do they say to you? Do they show you images? Absorb their message to you. 


Now really sit with that message. What feelings are coming up for you? Are you resisting anything that your inner self is telling you? Are you struggling with anything that they have shown you? Take a moment to focus on what’s coming up, then accept what your inner self is telling you. Remember, they have your best interest at heart. 


Coming back to the breath


Now, as you give thanks to your inner self for the wisdom they shared, return your consciousness back to the waves. Match your breathing to the rhythm of the waves. Deeply in, then all of the way out. In and then out. With each breath, you feel yourself coming back to your body. The beach is fading away with every breath. 


You become aware of the feel of your body where you are resting. You feel the pulse of Mother Nature still in your body and you let that bring you back to the present moment, the here and now. Move your fingers and toes to bring yourself back fully in your body. When you are ready open your eyes. 




Sit for a moment and reflect upon your experience. How did the beach make you feel? What was your inner self telling you? In what ways did your inner self show you to practice self-care?


Take a minute to write down your experience and then create a self-care plan to follow through on what your inner self has shown you. Once you have a plan to move forward, take a deep breath in and then let it out again. Now you are ready to show yourself some care. 


Until next time my magickal friend, take care of yourself! Be well and choose joy! Blessed be. 


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Kacey O’Donnell has been traveling her Wiccan path for over 20 years. She is an eclectic solitary practitioner and a Priestess of the Craft. She has been teaching basic Wicca for a number of years and holding regular Sabbat celebrations since 2011. She also infuses her practices with holistic healing and energy work, including Reiki, Access Consciousness, and Mental Energy Integration (MEI). Kacey believes that holistic healing and Wicca go hand in hand as they both teach how to move energy for the greater good.

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