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Hello my magickal friends and welcome to Witchy Wednesday!


Today’s meditation is going to focus on drawing down the power of the full moon. Drawing down the moon is a sacred ritual that links us directly with the moon’s energy and influence. This meditation can help you gain energy and power using the full moon. 


Establishing the breath


Find a comfortable place to settle yourself and close your eyes. Turn your focus to your breath. Notice the breath coming into your body, and then out. Feel the flow of air filling you up, and then out again. 


Continue this rhythm until you find a deep and slow pattern. Deeply in, and then all of the way out. Again in, and then fully out. Be present in the moment with the breath. Let your thoughts come and go, like leaves flowing down a river. 


Chakra cleanse


Now turn your focus to the space right above your crown chakra. Feel a bright, white light hovering above your head. This white light starts to drop down into your crown chakra. It feels clean and warm. 


That white light then drops down into your third eye chakra. You feel your vision clear. Then the light moves down into your throat chakra, and you feel your voice clear. Then the warm light descends down into your heart chakra, and your heart opens. 


You then feel the light move down into your solar plexus chakra, and you feel your power center shining brightly. Then the white light drops down into your sacral chakra. Your creativity opens up. Finally, the warm light descends into your root chakra, clearing and strengthening your connection to the Earth. 


Connecting to the night


Once you have established your connection with the Earth, then turn your attention to the night sky. Picture in your mind’s eye the vast expanse of sky. Take in the indigo color of the night with thousands of bright white stars sprinkled throughout the velvety atmosphere. 


The night sky stretches as far as your eyes can see and then you feel yourself rising up to become one with the night. Feel the silky darkness surround you and envelop you. You feel at peace in this darkness, knowing that you are safe and cared for. 


Connecting to the full moon


On the horizon, you see a glow start to emerge, then the rounded edge of the moon follows. The moon looks huge as it crests the horizon. It rises slowly and lights up the night with it’s soft white light. 


As the moon continues to rise into the blackness of the night, you feel pulled towards its light. You come to stand right under the moon as it reaches its zenith. Your energy then rises up to meld with the energy of the full moon. 


You then feel your spirit connect with the moon in all of its power. There becomes a direct channel that links you to the moon. The soft glow of the full moon is all around you, bathing you in its light. 


Drawing down the power


As you stand in the moonlight, you feel a pull of energy. You then start to draw the full moon energy down into your being. It fills every inch of you, saturating every molecule in your body. It then fills your soul with immense power. 


You feel energized and powerful, more powerful than you have felt before. With this energy, you can do anything. You can manifest whatever you desire, create anything, bring whatever you want into being. 


You now have a great store of energy and power to create whatever magick you wish. Then you see clearly the path set before you for your desires to be manifested. This energy will be available to you whenever you need it. 


Returning to the breath


The full moon slowly descends down until it sets on the horizon. You still feel the power the moon bestowed upon you, but it is manageable, creating a faint buzzing in your veins. It slowly subsides with each breath you take. 


Now, slow your breathing until you’re relaxed and back in your body. With every breath, you feel more and more connected to the place where you rest. Take a few more moments to reorient yourself to your physical body. And when you feel ready, open your eyes. 




Take a few moments to reflect upon your experience. How did it feel to absorb the power of the full moon? What did the energy feel like for you? Do you have a clear vision of what you want to do with the power you gained?


Write down your experience and any guidance or insights you gained from your connection to the moon. Anytime you need a power boost or want to feel connected to the full moon, come back to this meditation. 


Until next time, my magickal friend, be well and choose joy. Blessed be. 

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Kacey O’Donnell has been traveling her Wiccan path for over 20 years. She is an eclectic solitary practitioner and a Priestess of the Craft. She has been teaching basic Wicca for a number of years and holding regular Sabbat celebrations since 2011. She also infuses her practices with holistic healing and energy work, including Reiki, Access Consciousness, and Mental Energy Integration (MEI). Kacey believes that holistic healing and Wicca go hand in hand as they both teach how to move energy for the greater good.

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