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Hello my magickal friend and welcome to Witchy Wednesday! 


In this meditation, we’re going to talk about creating an abundant mindset. Having an abundant mindset is important when you’re trying to create or manifest things in your life. When you create from an abundant mindset, the Universe will respond with abundance. 


Establish the breath


Move yourself into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply, feeling your body relax, and then all the way out, relaxing further. As you breathe in through your nose, feel the air enter your body. Then as you breathe out through your mouth, feel your lungs contract. 


Continue breathing in, then out, as you feel your body relax deeper and deeper into the place where you rest. Let your breathing instill a sense of peace within you. Then slow your breathing into a natural, steady rhythm. 


Body scan


Now turn your awareness to your feet and the earth they rest upon. Feel the infinite abundance that the Earth has within her. The billions of tree roots, the miles of ocean, the abundance of life. Take that abundance into yourself and then move it up into your feet. 


Take a moment to feel that abundance. What does it feel like in your body? Does it tingle or feel like a breeze? Is it warm or cool? 


Then feel that abundant sensation travel up into your calves, then your knees. It then travels up into your thighs and hips. Feel the abundance of Mother Earth fill you. 


Now feel the sensation come up into your abdomen and stomach. Then feel it fill into your lungs and then your heart. It travels up into your shoulders and neck and then also fills your arms and hands.


Then it moves up into your face and then up and out of your crown. The energy fills you completely with abundance and strong Earth energy. 


Connecting to the Universe


From there, the energy then moves up and out of your crown. You feel it going up, up into the cosmos above you. As you feel your energy going up, it then starts to expand outward. 


You then feel your awareness grow with every pulse of your heartbeat. The Universe encompasses you with its greatness and you feel more connected than you’ve ever felt before. 


Your thoughts are one with the stars and planets around you. You feel a connection with all of life on Earth and beyond. 


Slowly now, you bring your focus back to your own mind. You then bring your connection to the Universe inward, until it resides within you, ready for you to tap into its power whenever you need it.  


Creating an abundant mindset


Now focus on your mind. Bring awareness to where your thoughts are coming from. Are you thinking about things from a place of fear or from a place of love? When you focus on manifesting, do your thoughts come from lack or do they come from abundance? 


Concentrate on what you are looking to manifest in your life right now. Put all of your awareness on your thoughts. What thoughts come up when you think about this? Are they thoughts of not having enough? Does thinking about this make you feel good? What are the reasons you are telling yourself you want this?


Really examine the feelings that your thoughts are causing. When you’re thinking about what you want to manifest, what feelings are coming up? Do you feel gratitude or anxiety? Are they feelings of desperation or feelings of contentment? 


Try now to reframe your thinking into thoughts of having enough, right now. In this moment, you have everything you need. You are manifesting from a place of abundance, not lack. 


Bringing abundance into your life


Now imagine that you are in a wheat field. There are tall stocks of wheat all around you. You marvel at the abundance nature provides. You feel a sense of peace and contentment as you walk through the field. 


As you walk along, you then find yourself in an empty field. The soil has been tilled and is waiting to be planted. Turn your thoughts to what you want to manifest. Fix this image in your mind. 


You look around and find a big bag of seeds to the side. You pick up the bag and feel the weight and warmth of the canvas. As you hold this bag of seeds, take the image of what you want to manifest and send it into the seeds. 


Now walk along and plant those seeds into the waiting soil. As you plant, put joy and gratitude into every seed of your manifestation. Once you have planted all of the seeds, turn to look at the field you just planted. Send one last thought of gratitude to your seeds and then return back to your mind. 


Returning to the breath


As your focus comes back to the present moment, feel yourself breathing again. Feel the air coming in as you breathe through your nose, and then out through your mouth. 


Reestablish the smooth, easy rhythm of your breath as you come back fully to your body. Breathe in, and then out. With every breath, send gratitude to the Universe and to Mother Earth for the energy and connection they gave you today. And when you feel ready, open your eyes. 




Take a few moments to sit and reflect on your experience today. Do your thoughts feel different than they did before you started this meditation? Are you thinking from a place of abundance, from having enough? Are you more conscious of your thoughts now?


Write down the thoughts you are thinking about whatever you’re trying to manifest. What is the general feeling you’re getting from these thoughts? Do you see a new pattern emerging from your consciousness? From now on, you have the tools to create a more abundance mindset when manifesting. 


Until next time my magickal friend, be well and choose joy! Blessed be.


For the meditation video, watch below or in YouTube at

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Kacey O’Donnell has been traveling her Wiccan path for over 20 years. She is an eclectic solitary practitioner and a Priestess of the Craft. She has been teaching basic Wicca for a number of years and holding regular Sabbat celebrations since 2011. She also infuses her practices with holistic healing and energy work, including Reiki, Access Consciousness, and Mental Energy Integration (MEI). Kacey believes that holistic healing and Wicca go hand in hand as they both teach how to move energy for the greater good.

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